Indorama Ventures Mobility Scottsboro has supported annual educational training programs to share valuable insights within the community.

The company participates in the annual "Impact Learning Center" program, educating and empowering hundreds to thousands of Jackson County residents each year. The program covers key elements in economics, community development, basic education, job skills training, and higher educational opportunities, including a workforce training program facilitating future job searches and developing professional skills. At least 600 post-high school students and around 1000 adults benefit from this annual contribution.

Another significant contribution is the annual “Knights of Columbus” adult training program, supporting around 50-100 individuals annually. This program focuses on adults with learning and development disabilities, aiming to integrate them into the community for a better quality of life. Participants engage in reciprocal learning and teaching, exchange support, and cultivate a shared sense of belonging within society.

These initiatives demonstrate the company’s commitment to social responsibility and community empowerment by providing invaluable educational resources and comprehensive support to empower every individual in the community.