Indorama Ventures Schoeller Křešice s.r.o. has launched meadow planting initiatives focused on environmental stewardship and natural harmony. Over 35 species were sown more than 200 square meters across the company’s premises. The survival rate of these newly planted flowers will be evaluated later this year due to fall planting.

Another significant initiative involved participating in the treatment of a new park to ensure the survival of 66 existing trees, consisting of 37 different types. This initiative was successful due to the collaborative efforts of three employees who volunteered during their working hours, guided by a horticultural contractor. The company is devoted to preserving this park, as it serves as a valuable resource for employees and the community.

These initiatives highlight the shared responsibility for environmental preservation, with a main priority of safeguarding the communities and their natural surroundings. They reflect the company's commitment to improving the local community and livelihood.