CSR Governing Structure
IVL has a Global Sustainability Committee based at its headquarters in Bangkok to oversee the creation and communication of its Sustainability Policy; monitoring and assessing the impact of its policies towards the stakeholders on a regular basis. Each business office or plant is responsible for the creation of activities for its employees and community in line with IVL’s Sustainability policy.
Local working groups are set up to coordinate activities with employees, communities and local authorities. Activities are monitored locally for effectiveness and feedback. Corporate Social Responsibility Committee monitors and assesses CSR activities and benchmarks the group based on its centralized database, assisting local working groups to learn from the experience of other working groups and benchmark themselves to the group as a whole.

The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Committee

Board of Directors
Approve the CSR Policy of the Company
CSR Steering Committee (Chaired by Deputy Group CEO)
- Recommend to the Board the CSR policy and any amendments
- Set IVL’s CSR direction, strategy, ambitions, policies and commitments
- Review the CSR activities/projects, progress being made towards the goals and CSR spends
- Recommend to the Sustainability and Risk Management Committee (SRMC) from time to time on issues related to CSR
Corporate CSR
- Provide guidance and recommendations to local CSR Committees
- Ensure the adequacy and effectiveness of CSR
- Oversee and gather CSR data for both internal and external audiences
- Monitor, report progress and outcome of CSR activities at corporate and unit levels
- Promote group-wide CSR activities
Local CSR Committees (appointed by Site and HR Heads)
- Develop activities in line with IVL’s CSR framework and objectives
- Coordinate activities with employees, communities and local stakeholders
- Implement CSR projects and activities
- Monitor activities for effectiveness and provide feedback
- Report to Corporate CSR at Bangkok Head Office on projects and activities