Appendix 1: Details of Company’s Directors, Executives, the person assigned to take direct responsibility for accounting supervision and Company Secretary
Appendix 5: The Audit Committee Report, the Sustainability and Risk Management Committee Report and the Nomination Compensation and Corporate Governance Committee Report
Appendix 7: Roles and Responsibilities of: (a) the Chairman of the Board, (b) the Lead Independent Director; (c) the Board of Directors; (d) the Group Chief Executive Officer (Group CEO); and (e) the Company Secretary
* In case this Form 56-1 One Report references the information which has been disclosed on the Company’s website, the disclosed information on the website shall be deemed as part of this Form 56-1 One Report. The Board of Directors certifies the accuracy and completeness of the referenced and disclosed information as same as information disclosed in this Form 56-1 One Report.